Friday: Post-Match Interviews

He did a cute short ESPN interview. He was pleased with how he played, but the conditions were tough because they were cold and windy. He knows the next match against Blake will be tough. He watched the match on TV. Patrick McEnroe asked him if he knew the key to beating Blake, and he started laughing, and said if I know that I will win the match, no? And he had that huge grin when he said it, as though he was so pleased with his response.
He played brilliantly tonight. I am so happy for our baby bull. :D Vamos!!! I'll give you some updates from the press conference.
BTW, the photo I just put up is courtesy of tennis photographer Cynthia Lum. Thanks, Cynthia. *hug*
Marcos Baghdatis Interview, after Nadal Wins 7-5, 6–0.
Both played great tennis in first set. He was broken twice, and then Rafa got confident in second. He played great tennis. He was too good for Baggy.
First time they played. He has every shot. Great FH and BH. Physically Rafa is amazing. It was a good lesson for him today. He knows what to work on now to play him again. Rafa was too good for him today.
He also plays with the microphone like Rafa does during press conferences. Rafa will be in next.,
No more questions. Very short interview.
I have Lopy’s camera to take photos of Rafa now. He should be in shortly.
Rafa’s Interview
It was a very upbeat interview. He was very happy. I took loads of photos, which Lopy will upload shortly.
He started by noting that he played good, and that perhaps Marcos’s level of play went down a bit after he was broken. He had a bit of trouble at the end of the first set, with the wind, and played a bad game to get broken. But then he got the break at 6-5. In the second set, he said he got the early break and then was able to “escape” with the match. It was cute because the ATP guy corrected him to say that he “ran away” with the match instead of escaped with it. He decided he liked “ran away” with the match. He was laughing. And later he mentioned that in the second set he continued at 100% and "I can run away in the score (smiling."
He also could not believe that he served 100% first serves in the second set, according to the stats. He said that was not good because it meant he was not going for his serves enough. He was serving too soft.
He was asked about his ankle, and he said it was swollen quite a bit last night. He slept with it elevated, and they have been icing it. He said he felt a little bit of pain today, but not much.
He said playing James will be tough. He said that US Open was his worst tournament last year. He made mistakes by playing Cincy and by going home after losing in Cincy. He said he should have stayed in the US. He said he’ll make changes this year. He said Blake’s forehand is unbelievable, and tomorrow will be tough. But he said he believes that if he plays his best tennis, he always has chances.
The match is scheduled for 4:30 p.m., after the women’s final. There is a lot of excitement about it. And I now need to extend my hotel for another day! Which I just did!!
I’m so happy he won, though. Especially since he seemed so happy. Vamos!!!
More tomorrow, as Lopy and I will try to put up a few more photos. :D
he made a funny.
VAMOS El Toro!!!
Lopy, you may have to buy a Spanish flag and drape yourself in it tomorrow. Rafa's going to need much more crowd support than he had tonight. Or you could stand in the aisle and do the swim! LOL
Yes Susan and the rest of the cheerers there for our baby bull.
wear your red and yellow combination and bring the spanish flag.
gosh the pressure of having to compete cheering with the US home crowd. anyway just shout out loud Mucho Rafael !!!! Vamos Torrero!!!
you all keep well. thanks for all these info. Susan.
So great to hear he is happy! Wonder how many of the j-block will make it to IW. Hope you can get some megaphones, flags,
firecrackers and flugelhorns. What a great
win. Your and Lopy's being there and blogging makes a big difference, much more like WE are there. So would
you two please go to all his tournaments from now on?
PS that last post was from me, xoxo Mary Walsh
Mary, from what I've seen on TV, the crowd is not so much 'j-block' as 'geriatric wing'!
Our stentorian Uncle Lopy will keep Rafa's end up!
Mucho Rafa! Mucho Rafa! eé eé eé
Hope the hotel still gave you the same rate, Susan! Thanks for blogging, it was worth getting up for at 04am.
If you get a chance to talk to Rafa again, tell him a lot of us were up at the crack of dawn to cheer him on!!
Keep us posted!
Greets, Tanja
Susan, thank you for the press conference reports. The official site is very slow to put up transcripts of interviews. ;-)
Good to hear Rafa's optimistic and that the ankle didn't bother him too much, let's hope the swelling disappears asap.
xoxo mallorn
Many thanks, Susan and Lopy - cheer loud tomorrow, sorry we can't help..... :)
(but you should be able to feel all the good vibes on route to Rafa from us all)
susan, can't you PLEASE do something about the tv schedule????? lol....but seriously, the tennis channel needs to step in here and carry the lion's share of today's matches, espn is apparently a prisoner of women's basketball and heaven knows what else. rafa was absolutely adorably exceptional last night in every way, i wouldn't even CARE if he lost to Fed tomorrow, he just NEEDS TO BEAT BLAKE!!!! viva rafi, VAMOS!!!!
Susan thanks for your posts!!..and does anybody know why Rafa wrote 1/2 on the screen when he signed the camera???..what does it mean???
Good luck and VAMOS RAFA!!!
?? 1/2 ??
One down and two to go, perhaps?
mm..yeah it could be that..
The short ESPN interview was soo cute! i was half asleep watching it, and it completely made my night easy! haha! Im addicted to your blogs! Cheer Rafa on Very Loud! I know i'll be yelling at the t.v.! Thanks Susan! Have a fun day!
1/2 means "semi-final". ;-)
"In the second set, he said he got the early break and then was able to “escape” with the match. It was cute because the ATP guy corrected him to say that he “ran away” with the match instead of escaped with it. He decided he liked “ran away” with the match. He was laughing. And later he mentioned that in the second set he continued at 100% and "I can run away in the score (smiling."
*lol* So cute!
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